Bollywood actor Saif Ali khan was attacked by intruder at his home in Mumbai. According to the reports, the actor was stabbed six times with a sharp object at his residence in Mumbai, on 16 January 2025. He was brought to the Lilavati hospital at around 3:30 am, as per the hospital officials. Saif Ali
Bollywood actor Saif Ali khan was attacked by intruder at his home in Mumbai. According to the reports, the actor was stabbed six times with a sharp object at his residence in Mumbai, on 16 January 2025. He was brought to the Lilavati hospital at around 3:30 am, as per the hospital officials. Saif Ali Khan underwent a surgery which took about 3 hours, doctors said. The actor’s team called it an attempted burglary at the residence. “He is currently in hospital and surgery is being done. Fans are requested to pray and to be patient, the incident is being tracked by the police,” his team said to the media. Meanwhile, the Kareena Kapoor’s team confirmed to media that the rest of the family members were doing good.
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